Rise Above Gambling

Our Campaigning

We are advocating for modernization of Canada’s gambling
policy framework. Through evidence-based reform efforts,
we aim to better protect public health by minimizing potential
harms while upholding individual freedoms.

Bill C-218, also known as the Safe and Regulated Sports Betting Act, was passed by the Senate of Canada. The bill, which amends Canada’s Criminal Code to legalize single event sports betting in the country, is now law following Royal Assent.
When Ontario modernized its gambling legislation in 2022, the full consequences of certain policy decisions were not entirely anticipated. The proliferation of VIP programs and gambling advertisements have contributed to a dramatically changed market. Continuous, around-the-clock access to betting via digital platforms means gamblers can engage without reasonable checks or balances in place.
Our Campaign
Rise Above Gambling strives to reform gambling policy through compassionate, evidence-based advocacy that places public well-being at the forefront.
We aim to build a world-class facility focused on long-term recovery. Quality care and support should not be limited by geography or income. Everyone battling the destructive impacts of compulsive gambling deserves help overcoming this affliction in Canada.
Where debate once centered mainly on finances, our efforts have shed light on gambling’s profound impacts—addiction, mental health struggles, and consequences affecting families, communities and society as a whole. We challenge the outdated notion that those experiencing gambling addiction face this alone due to personal weaknesses; statistics show all people can be affected.

By raising awareness of products enabling harmful or risky behaviors, especially digital formats correlated with higher addiction rates, we aim to better support prevention. Our research underscores how policy can minimize potential harms from these activities.
How we campaign
In 2023, we will engage in meetings with numerous MPs, regulators, and various organizations.Our primary objective is to host parliamentary events in the House of Commons and take every possible action to drive change.

Additionally, we have actively participated in Government consultations, organized petitions, and collaborated with recovering gamblers and affected individuals.

Our dedicated team and supporters have written numerous letters to MPs and assisted others in doing so. If you wish to contact your MP, we’ve simplified the process for you. Please visit this page
Our Demands
To appropriately address the significant public health concerns related to gambling and its associated harms, consideration should be given to the following recommended actions:

Formal designation of gambling as a public health issue through relevant legislation and statutory regulations.

Measures to enhance the safety of gambling products and activities, including adjustments to slow down play speeds to potentially reduce risks of addiction and impulsive behavior. Setting stake limits aimed at preventing excessive financial losses

Rigorous enforcement of robust customer spending controls across all operators to promote responsible conduct. For example, players can only deposit up to 25% of their net income a year at gambling operators and then they are automatically entered into a cool off.

Prohibiting all forms of marketing, promotion and sponsorship associated with gambling.

Introducing framework for product risk assessments linked to licensing conditions.

Eliminating programs designed to incentivize increased monetary involvement over time.

Developing public health communications regarding potential risks based on independent evidence.

implementing a comprehensive prevention and treatment program for those impacted covered by provincial health plans.

Facilitating training initiatives for frontline providers to aid in identification and service provision.

Appointing an independent governing body to oversee duty of care responsibilities.

Incorporating gambling awareness into standard education curriculum delivered impartially.

How to get involved
Keep an eye on our homepage and social media channelsto find out about our latest campaign. In the meantime, you can always:
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